Sometimes ^^
Sunday, April 10, 2011 ♔ 0 Comment ?
I am so glad to be alive. Sometimes my life is so exciting but at other times it can be boring (!) Huh ? Biase lha kekadang kite kat atas kekadang kite kat bawah ken . Hidup bagai rode ken ^^ Haha . I often wonder who i am or where i am going. Sometimes i feel i cannot control my emotions and i need to go somewhere private to think quietly by myself . Hm :’/ i am sometimes moody and sometimes it is not easy to explain why i am miserable because i am not sure myself.Then i still learning about life and about myself , so . I’d better change myself kenn ;D  Go alynn (!) i can do it ^^ 

Bui bui ~

Dear God, Thanks for this beautiful life :)

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