Some a-z of Love
Saturday, February 12, 2011 ♔ 0 Comment ?

*sign you fall for him

-you will READ his text over and over
-you WALK very SLOW when you walk with him
-you PRETEND to be SHY when you're with him
-when you THINK about him your heart BEAT FASTER
-by LISTENING to his VOICE, you SMILE with NO reason
-while LOOK-ing at him, you NOT NOTICE of anyone else
-you get HIGH of his SMELL
-you always SMILE  when you think of him
-all you think about is him 

even though there is no specified name is mentioned,
you are thinking about him when you read this

p/s : Alyn amek kat myrol punye post amirul

Dear God, Thanks for this beautiful life :)

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